Occasionally, I delve into religion and politics, because unlike far too many who suggest the two don’t mix, I’m of the mind that Jesus wouldn’t have told them the same. Our faith is and integral part of who we are as a people and a nation, and although Christianity is currently waning in America, our nation was in fact built upon the Christian faith, despite anything historical revisionists care to argue.
It’s beyond troubling to see so many Church leaders urging their congregations to abide by the Covid Vaccine Mandates and Passports, as if any real safety concerns over the Vaccine’s chemical and biological make-up are somehow irrelevant and to be dismissed as hysteria or unfounded, when the opposite is true. And of late, at too many opportunities, we see Church leaders submitting to tyranny when Freedom and Liberty are hanging in the balance.
Submitting to evil and tyranny isn’t God’s plan for mankind, not if one knows and believes their Bible, the Word of God. Even though most of us Faithful understand that Satan and the minions of Hell don’t prevail against the Bride of Christ in the end — witnessed by way of Matthew 16:17-19, that doesn’t mean we are to do nothing and simply wring our hands as the world is thrown into chaos and the size of real and tangible casualties grows to mammoth proportions from our inaction.
God will always have His remnant and His remnant will always thrive despite Satan rising up against Her. As the Faithful Church, it is up to us to help Him help us and ensure that remnant is massive rather than a small, decimated people.
I debated on whether to even write this, since, if true as I believe it to be, a great and growing number are not really too seriously interested in the matters of God’s workings and their own salvation, if presented with the accurate and Scripturally correct Word of God. I’m curious to know if they are simply “fair-weather Christians” or the real deal. ~ J.O.S.
The Christian Church Is Failing In America
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ~ Ephesians 6:12 [King James Bible]
The Christian Church is failing in America, withering under the decades long vile attacks from secularists, humanists, atheists and communists, and from Marxist apparatchiks within the federal government too, as its leaders speak of being “civil” and finding compromise. They have pushed the Church away from the actual word of God in a heresy called “moral relativism”, that has worked to pave the way for the Democratic Party Communists’ immoral political agenda to indoctrinate the bulk of the American population into a Godless mindset and strip our freedoms and liberties from us in the process.
This is not a day or a time for niceties and civility, when faced with such uncivil, hateful evil, that has insinuated itself so far into our society that Americans are seen exhibiting the most reprehensible and despicable behavior, not seen in our country until now. When all of this is embraced by the Democrats, one must ask why anyone would seek compromises that allow the continuation of the destruction of our society.
Fear rather than real courage and faith in God is counseling too many pastors, ministers and reverends across America, who in turn are reading Scripture in a passive and fatalistic voice “Thy will be done”, as if that is a commandment to sit quietly in the Church and meekly accept any and everything thrown at them by an ever growing, exponentially more authoritarian and totalitarian State, bent on destroying the very Free Will and right to one’s own conscience bestowed on us by God.
Preachers and their congregations should be standing and shouting to the heavens, “We will do Thy will, Lord, we will do Thy will.“
Although we are all sinners and Churches and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ are needed for this reason, a great number of people climbing into the upper hierarchy of the Church are there, not in search of redemption and salvation for themselves and others through Our Lord and Christ. They have insinuated themselves into the Church’s power structure as a means to subverting the Church and passing heresy off as the Word of God.
How far the Church’s leaders have fallen from the message Jesus delivered to the world and His example set by the cleansing of the Temple, as described in Matthew 21:12-13:
“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.”
And yet we see so-called “ministers” now regularly performing “gay” or “same-sex” unions as if these immoral abominations were true marriages, in the most proper sense and understanding of the word. Along with this perversion and deviancy, we find Pope Francis, a fake “Jesuit priest” who is nothing less than an outright globalist and Communist, telling Catholics it’s perfectly acceptable to receive a Covid vaccine made from aborted baby parts, as he continuously skews The Word of God and conflates communism with Christianity.
Please don’t try presenting the popular fallacy from the Commie’s and socialists that suggests we are supposed to obey man’s law according to God. I suggest You all reread the Bible. We are commanded to obey man’s law so long as it aligns with God’s Righteous Law.
America has largely been overwhelmed on the federal and state level by men and women who act as rulers and terrors against that which is good and righteous, and those charged with leading their respective churches and denominations, whether we speak of Baptists, Presbyterians and so forth, are crumbling in the face of adversity, as they pedal heresy in their weak attempts to remain relevant and keep the pews full with congregants, however false their piety may be.
It is clear as day to anyone paying attention to history, both long past and recent, that the Democratic Party, working hand-in-hand with Marxist-Maoist Communist regimes around the world, represents a clear and present danger and an existential threat to all America. It proves itself to be the manifestation of Hell on Earth, through the advent of Critical Race Theory being taught in our institutions and even some churches and the Covid Vaccine Mandates and Passports, and many other attacks on everything good and decent in America.
As evil and immoral as we know Baby Murder [abortion] to be, once we look at the Big Picture and past other Democratic Party pet projects, like LGBTQ propaganda, “gay rights”, the homosexual infiltration of Christian churches, redistribution of wealth — better known by conservatives as THEFT, supplanting personal responsibility with the Welfare Nanny State and the attempted abrogation of the First Amendment and our right to worship our God freely, Americans find that the Democratic Party Communists want Conservative and Independent Americans dead, no hyperbole here.
They demand compliance with their forced vaccine passports, or they will refuse us life saving medical treatments, your job, your home and the right to enter a Walmart or local grocery to buy food. It doesn’t matter to them that you might die from their eradication of your ability to properly and freely function in society, even though they claim to be looking out for your safety and well-being through such tyrannical mandates. All of this is devastating to families and America’s children, but what do the Commies care, other than they get control of the next generation of America’s children, and that should scare the Hell out of any normal American.
The words of Rene Girard, renown philosopher and anthropologist, are apropos, in this instance. Writing in ‘I See Satan Fall Like Lightning’ in 2001, Girard sorrowfully notes:
“The majestic inauguration of the ‘post-Christian era’ is a joke. We are living through a caricatural ‘ultra-Christianity’ that tries to escape from the Judeo-Christian orbit by ‘radicalizing’ the concern for victims in an anti-Christian manner.”
Of late, America has witnessed parents, such as Lily Tang-Williams, making a strong stand in various cities and states against CRT, and we have also seen many policemen, firefighters, nurses and even pilots and flight attendants fighting vehemently against the Workplace Covid Vaccine Passports, in cities like Chicago, Seattle and New York and all across America. However, over the past year, when they could have made a real difference and a meaningful impact, America heard meek silence emanating from the nation’s Churches and congregations, as they simply caved-in and submitted to the mask and vaccine mandates and the lockdowns, much like World Outreach Church, the largest church in Murfreesboro, TN with over 7600 congregants.
Where was the Church and its congregations? Why weren’t they coming out forcefully and en masse against all of this Communist and Globalist tyrannical “reset” mess from the very start?
Did any congregations fire a preacher for being insufficiently aligned with and obedient to the Word of God, for lacking in moral strength?
For several years now, the Church has been so obedient to the State’s illegal, tyrannical diktats and, with very few exceptions, advocating that obedience for their adherents, that one might almost think them to be acting as agents of the State, collaborators in forcing the Faithful to bow and embrace the cold chains of tyranny and serfdom.
Who else other than just myself believes that opposing tyrants in the most forceful manner is wise, logical and righteous?
Many modern Christians state that their preacher shouldn’t be delving into political and policy matters that direct the nation and our society, and those are the very misinformed Christians who have never properly understood that a society’s religious beliefs, or lack thereof, play an integral part in their government. If not for the Black Robes standing in the pulpit each Sunday, during the 1770s, there might never have been a War for Independence.
It seems unnatural to me, as a freedom-loving individual, to simply sit and hope and pray that somebody helps alleviate the situation and saves me from an out-of-control federal and state government, but many Christians have no problem doing that very thing. They fail to realize that opposing, dissenting and acting against an oppressive state is a righteous, necessary and moral act, as well as the wise thing to do.
If every knee is to bow, shouldn’t it be bowed to God and not Joe Biden and his authoritarian regime that violates Christian principles daily and seeks to destroy Western civilization in America?
We are on the brink of totalitarianism, despite the glimmer of hope many take from the recent Republican win in the Governor’s race in Virginia. It wasn’t a huge mandate against Leftism, and in the meantime, the Marxists are still plentiful as lemmings throughout public education, and the trend towards cradle to grave “care” from the government and tyranny continues at an incredibly accelerated rate.
Today, many will tell you that we are living in the End of Times and the Covid Vaccine and subsequent Vaccine Passport is the Mark of the Beast. If it isn’t, it sure is acting the part and aligning fairly true with Scripture, as Americans and people across the globe see the perversion of the state and the perversion of the Church. And regardless of all the calls for love and moral living emanating from both the truly faithful Christians and the Deceivers lurking within the Church, conservative Christian Americans are not blind to the lengths taken by the Marxist-Maoist Cancel Culture Democrats to erase God from our society and their clear intentions to eradicate the Church and everybody whose views stand diametrically opposed to their sick, tyrannical vision for America.
The Church and Christians, and honest, moral America patriots, must do more to challenge the corrupt Biden regime and the evil and tyranny that is advancing across our land, in order to stop these vaccine mandates. Submitting to the idea of Covid Vaccine Passports will make the next step towards Chinese-style Social Credit Scores and even more massive surveillance of everyone a surety, followed by mandating abortions as a public health matter and placing one’s entire life choices in the hands of tyrants to approve or not. And don’t be surprised when the powers-that-be refuse to allow people to be gainfully employed through normal channels, unless they renounce their Christian faith, since traditional America was built and largely stands today upon Christian and Western principles and virtues.
Don’t just sit in the Church saying “God will save me” or meekly submit to oppressive rulers. Draw a line in the sand and resist.
And just as there was a 1968 song with the refrain “God damn the pusher man”, we should all be singing and shouting to the heavens, “God damn the Democrats” as a most fervent prayer. Damn the Democrats for denying God and reveling in their unrepentance and numerous sins against God, America and all mankind, so disinterested in God’s salvation, only concerned with their continued ability to subvert the Christian Church and wallow in the depravities and perversions found along the Highway to Hell.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” ~ Revelation 13:11
December 1, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
Wow.. fantastic..I sent it to me Many….
great article.
we are clearly in a spiritual battle (of the mind) today, people are doing what is right in their own mind (truth is relative today)
this is nothing new. for those who are up on history and the reading of scripture, this is plain to see.
romans 1:28 say’s
“furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done” ie; wickedness, evil, greed, prideful.etc.
there will be godlessness and great deception in the last days. 2tim 3
what we see today has been fortold centuries ago, it’s called prophecy and it’s coming true.
we need to stand firm in our faith and trust God to guide and carry us home.
it might take a good fight in the mean time.
anyone ready?