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There is NO RACE WAR in heaven. There are only TWO types of people in this world: Children of God and children of the devil. Which one are you? “This is the way God’s children are distinguished from the devil’s children. Everyone who doesn’t do what is right or love other believers isn’t God’s child.”
Here’s an example, if you are a child of the devil you thought and think that Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty and that his “victims” were “victims.” You also didn’t notice poll workers scanning multiple ballots for Biden for hours to the tune of collecting thousands of more votes that night…..weeeeee it’s a beautiful day in the blind neighborhood, right?
If you are a child of God or will be a child of God and are in the process of having your eyes open, you will smell and see the BS and seek seek seek and seek the truth that Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t murder anyone and that his alleged victims were a CHILD MOLESTER, yes a man called Joey Boy Rosenbaum lured young boys at the ages of under 10 to do very very bad things to him, he was then sent to prison for 10 years. https://www.newswars.com/man-killed-by-kyle-rittenhouse-used-n-word-provoked-people-to-shoot-me/
Can u handle this truth or are you too lost and on your way out to read this truth? Gaige Grosskreutz is a serial liar, sociopath and con man. Once assaulted his grandma, too. And was caught taking pics of police officer’s personal cars while on duty. WEIRDO! LIAR! CHECK YOUR FACTS PEOPLE.
And Huber? This POS isn’t even worth exposing. Recall his strangulation of his girlfriend. Thus, look morons if you’re into defending CHILD MOLESTORS, Domestic abusers who strangle their girlfriends and a fake medic sociopath career liar and criminal, well, hey…good luck with that! As for us, no gracias.