We know who Biden and his people are, and he’s pushing the country towards authoritarian socialism. He’s essentially abandoned whatever “moderate” views he ever held and opted for the communist worldview to the dismay of many.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Biden may not be a communist, but he’s sure quackin; like one these days.
I am not any kind of economic expert, but I do have a strong understanding of the dynamics and mechanisms of both capitalism and socialism as viewed through the lens of Adam Smith and Karl Marx; but even a fairly average ninth grader can tell that Biden and his people have strayed way off base from the capitalist principles expounded upon by Smith.
Too many people have been too greatly influenced and motivated to accept conditions that actually do their interests a disservice.
I’ve always negotiated my own rate of pay when I worked hourly jobs, and after I gained some skills, I negotiated my salary and finally the amount I would accept to fulfill a contract on any particular job. If people aren’t making an acceptable wage, more often than not, they have only themselves to blame. And if they are going through a union, they are already selling themselves short and giving up some of their labor and earnings to grifters and corrupt hucksters.
People don’t seem to understand that they receive far less holistically and in total under socialist systems than they normally would for an equal amount of work under capitalism.
Nullify Killer Joe’s Commie Command and Control Economy
Americans have incredulously heard Joe “Xi” Biden often claim he is a capitalist, to the mainstream media mental midgets and propagandists, who promote this illusion; but, every action he has taken since occupying the White House has been focused on the command and control of the economy and the disintegration of traditional America and the republic. Despite his claims, he is suppressing capitalism and employing socialist tenets that can only bring greater harm to the economy in the long term.
If one sees actual communists serving the Biden regime, such as Pete Buttigeig and Susan Rice, and his people howling over how best to butcher the body of America’s economy for redistribution of the wealth like mad, slobbering wolves; and moving towards Big Centralized Government solutions and redistribution schemes disguised as “Climate Change” bills; enforcing executive orders to force a Marxist view of “competition” in Big Business and Corporate America and determine who gets to participate via Covid Vaccine Passports; and spending trillions of dollars on unsustainable worthless social infrastructure such as the promotion of LGBTQ and Critical Race Theory gibberish — with every single bit of it aimed at the disintegration of traditional America and the republic — one can safely say that Biden is not a capitalist, especially after the recent appointment of Saule Omarova on September 23rd to the Treasury Department as the Comptroller of Currency.
Biden’s July 9th Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy is one more in a long line of federal government power grabs that attempts to direct agencies and private businesses outside its authority, and it represents a usurpation of Congress and state legislatures and the Court in too many respects. As we see the Biden and his regime extend their noses into technology, shipping, transportation, healthcare and even agriculture, along with labor practices they suggest limit wages and mobility and many other areas of the American economy, they completely dismiss the Administrative Procedure Act and “the final rules on guidance” concerning rules for the government regarding various sections of our society, and they have moved America one step closer to rule by decree.
Biden doesn’t have one single ounce of care that his policies are exploding the U.S. debt and placing future generations in the gross and unfortunate position of being relegated to nothing more than serfs bound to serve the state — the Leviathan — in a debt-based economy. But he and his cronies don’t believe they have to worry, since they are reaping the benefits today and leaving the mess to be cleaned up tomorrow and long after they are dead and in the ground. That’s the danger that comes with running the Treasury’s printing presses day and night and rolling out pallets of money backed with little today and of very little actual worth.
The conservatives and independents, all logical-minded individuals in fact, better start haranguing Congress right now to ensure that Saule Omarova’s appointment isn’t confirmed by the Senate, since Omarova, a radical professor at Cornell University Law School and a 1989 graduate of Moscow State University, supported Marxist Communism in her youth and still endorses them enthusiastically today. She essentially supports a total takeover of the U.S. banking system by the federal government.
As reported in a recent Wall Street Journal editorial:
“Ms. Omarova believes capital and credit should be directed by an unaccountable bureaucracy and intelligentsia. She has recommended a ‘National Investment Authority’, with members overseen by an advisory board of academics, to finance a ‘big and bold’ climate agenda. Sounds like the green infrastructure bank the Senate rejected.
She’d also like a politically and structurally independent ‘Public Interest Council’ of ‘highly paid’ academics with broad subpoena power to supervise financial regulatory agencies, including the Fed. The Council, she explained, would not be subject to the ‘constraints and requirements of the administrative process’. Ivy League professors know best.”
One sees just how radical she is from her justification for a National Investment Authority and again after reviewing her own words written in October 2020 for the Vanderbilt Law Review. She explains how the Federal Reserve Bank would be restructured through an entity she referenced as “The People’s Ledger” along with the creation of a digital dollar among other things.
And in the meantime, all Americans are being affected by the rising inflation and higher prices for commodities, food stuff and all retail goods, that serves as a backdoor tax on the people. At the same time, the Democratic Party Communists are seeking to pass a wealth tax and raise taxes on tobacco and elsewhere across the U.S. economy, thus reneging on Biden’s promise to only tax those earning over $400,000 a year.
Rising gas and fuel oil prices? To hear him tell it, don’t blame him and his closure of the Keystone Pipeline; don’t blame his orders to halt fracking and oil extraction and exploration on federal land. Blame those nasty “pandemic profiteers”. He offers Americans the same empty words regarding the rising costs of groceries, as he increases his attacks on the private sector, sounding like a cheap and bumbling imitation of Xi, China’s dictator.
However, a large part of the problem has also developed from the market panic of the pandemic, when our economy went from being unrestrained, for the most part, to the oppressive command economy and controls under Trump and many states’ Democrat governors. Some people were free to work, others weren’t, while select groups were still free to work and operate their businesses, if along strict guidelines dictated by politics. America went from freedom to central planning overnight.
Market-led economic growth has become irrelevant to Biden, if he ever respected it before, and he and his Marxist-Maoist staffers hold the Biden regime up to America as Her new benefactors, who embody the economy and will create new jobs for everyone, new industries even. But his orders and policies completely destroy carbon and fossil fuel industries.
Biden’s regime hasn’t taken actual possession of U.S. corporations, but for many intents and purposes his executive orders have had the same effect, as if the Government was calling the shots. At the very least, Biden is an authoritarian despot and a Marxist/ Maoist-minded Cancel Culture fascist.
The Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen, has suggested that higher taxes here at home levied against the wealthy and globally against corporations are a good thing that will ultimately serve to benefit all those people earning less than $400,000 annually. She notes that higher taxes narrow the imbalance between government revenue and what government needs to spend on investments, and that logic fails to note that the cost of higher taxes on corporations always causes higher costs for goods and hits the poorest Americans the hardest – although to her credit, Yellen did recently oppose the new Billionaire Income Tax proposed by Congress.
The Biden regime and the Communists in Congress are working as hard as they can through legal and illegal means to package their communist agenda under their collective false flag of infrastructure investment and budget reconciliation, along the same line as Ol’ Uncle Joe Stalin utilized during his Five Year Plan that failed so miserably on the human level.
The likes of Biden and Saule Omarova seem to believe it worked so well. Naturally they would would, because the goal is more oriented toward population control than it is toward bettering the American people’s lives, unless one is a Party Member.
But Yellen’s moderate socialist stance on the economy will seem downright conservative if the Omarova Plan is implemented over the next three years. All of one’s earnings will be at the command of a central government electronic vault full of individual accounts to be directed, manipulated, and sums deposited or withdrawn according to some banking council czars’ latest schemes for controlling our lives. And no one should take her nomination lightly — a woman who praises the Stalin communist regime as more equitable than capitalism in America — as we recall how people thought the Bolsheviks had mounted a doomed crackpot coup that ultimately succeeded in 1917 and led to the Bolsheviks upholding their promise to default on the entire Czarist debt, and so too continuing their revolution through the mass murder of millions of Russians and Ukranians.
Normally, one might believe all of the aforementioned depicts such a horrible future for America that the people will surely reject all of it in the 2022 election, but that notion assumes fair elections will be held, when the same illegal mechanisms still exist that allowed for massive election fraud in 2020 and the theft of the Oval Office. This leaves much in the air and to whatever strength the Republican “opposition” in Congress and state legislatures will bring to bear to counter this Communist agenda, however best they can, which will also depend a good deal on courts and judges, however fair-minded or corrupt they may fall.
America’s survival through these terrible and dangerous times, this Communist assault against traditional America, may ultimately come down to Her people simply standing together and telling Ol’ Joe “Hell No” and refusing to comply with anything that damages or interferes with their ability to make a living, just like Southwest Airlines employees did recently. And depending on where one lives, the key may start with the Tenth Amendment and numerous states simply nullifying Biden’s Executive Orders, so that their people may live free.
October 30, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
excellent and accurate article. keep up the good work.
thank you justin