4 thoughts on “Yer Damned RIGHT!

  1. veteran

    biden and his deep state handlers are slowly turning law enforcement and many of the public against them.
    there is no truth in them, only lies.
    the left will pay a big price for their crimes.
    i support all law enforcement with the exception of the fbi and cia as they are corrupted by the deep state.

  2. Larry Cooper

    Why risk the health of good men and horses ? Should have just shot the vermin and thrown them in the river. The fish and the crops out west can use the nutrients. Bunch of border crash trash from the ass hole of the world. Want to feel sorry for someone? Feel sorry for the American citizens footing the bill for this
    stupid shit.

  3. Heidi Hickson

    I guess when they come across like a herd of cattle looking for food and water they need reigned in like cattle. Were they loaded in cattle cars and taken across country by the Government?
    Moving that many people that quickly, why were there no pictures of that clean up?

  4. veteran

    it’s time for a well organized militia to back em up and take back our boarder, then take back our country !

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