One thought on “3 Jabs to Oblivion…

  1. veteran

    the covid 19 virus has not been isolated, the who and cdc do not want it to be because if so, it would prove to be a bio weapon and not naturally occuring.
    since it has not been isolated, a safe functioning vaccine cannot be made. the current vaccines are experimental only. the long term effects are known–death and injury.
    the vaccines are not a one shot fits all.
    we are seeing the carnage caused by these vaccines today and the powers to be say that it’s the delta varient. this is a lie. the carnage we see is a vaccine reaction and it’s killing and maiming people.
    you can visit the site (covid vaccine and see the info.
    don’t believe vaers report as they are under reporting by 5 fold. (they are controlled by the cdc.
    do your research and don’t be a lab rat.

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