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Yes, “Do as you are told!” We had to laugh when we read Fauci said this.
It is interesting to note that Satan, what we call the Alien Mind, because it should be alien to us but we often accept it as our own, wants to be like God. It wants to be omniscient, which it tries to do through the Internet and the many data gathering organizations, as well as through the minds of their empaths. It wants to be all-seeing spreading CCTV cameras everywhere, again working with the empaths of alien mind, the sorcerers and magicians of which the Christ warned us about. It wants to be omnipotent, grooming its ABC groups and military to protect the Oligarchs who are controlled by the Alien Mind, also using their thought projection and empaths to docile us, and their vaccines and drugs to shorten our lives. And it wants you to do as you are told, to follow the will of our “father” in hell. Fat chance of that!
We must think the push to live forever, to clone, to use stem cells for regeneration, and to use adrenochrome (sp?) is Partaking of the Tree of Life so they can live forever, too, and be like God. Their day is coming and all they have to look forward to is the Bottomless Pit.
It even states in Genesis not to partake of the Tree of Life so that we live forever