I had recently saved a You Tube video for publication and when I retrieved from my folder today… guess what?
OH – so you don’t believe us? I mean… ANYONE could take a snapshot of this image on YouTube and SAY that this had happened. Ok! – so – Go ahead – click on the following link and see where it takes you.
Bill Gates’ 1997 Prediction: 2020 Extinction By Lung Attacking Virus – YouTube
Kind of interesting… an original video – posted on YouTube – of a real interview with Bill Gates – but now after all of these years – it goes against “YouTube’s Community Guidelines“?
But we found it elsewhere… https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bo6gs7nLYi1J/
It is long past time to begin to use your own minds – wake up. YOU have been lied to for far too long.

Editor and Publisher of the works of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
Webmaster and Editor of Dr. Kelley’s Victory Over Cancer
The Official Site for the Protocols of Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.