~ Forewords ~
Life sure isn’t going to get any easier for any of Us, not if the red, radical Democratic Party Communist rat bastards have their way about it, as they continue with their politically correct pushes, their internet controls, their postmodern relativism and their multiculturalism that attacks the truth of any issue on any given day, and all of this is done in the name of equality, freedom and social justice; in truth, it is a propagandists’ movement focused on ending freedom and liberty in Our Beloved America … the exact opposite of the things they purport to support. ~ JOS
America cannot allow lies to push truth to a dark death. Disturbing postmodern relativistic, postcolonial and social justice theories, tripe and nonsense that looks for victims under every rock has been advocated over the past four decades; and we must unequivocally reject this nonsense, in favor of the honest to God truth, since we already see destabilizing hyperreality, fallacy, propaganda, political correctness and outright Gestapo tactics used to erase our American heritage, our traditions, and our culture, in nothing less than a despicable attack on our freedom and liberty. Too many are too willing to use every deception and even any flagitious means to usher in the Democratic Party vision of an authoritarian Marxist Socialist state for America and eradicate our republic.
Truth is in short supply everywhere one looks today, whether one speaks of Great Britain, China or even America. The communists and globalists, the proponents of a “New World Order” are on the rise, and they are targeting and controlling the people of the world through the internet, an array of high-handed arbitrary laws and even through tyrannical hate-speech “laws” that are not anything resembling legitimate law, since by their very nature they violate a person’s human and God-given Right to speak freely on anything that crosses his mind.
Great Britain and most of the European Union implement hate-speech laws against their own citizens, that are modeled after United Nations Resolution 16/18 and criminalize any criticism against Islam. This is the very resolution that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conspired together to attempt to get passed in the United States Senate back on December 26th 2012 in New York City, despite its clear antithetical position to the First Amendment.
In May of last year, the patriotic leaders of Britain First, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, were arrested for distributing leaflets warning of the existential threat of Islam to all countries, during a rape trial at the Canterbury Crown Court, that culminated in the convictions of four Muslim men. Golding and Fransen were charged with religiously-aggravated harassment and convicted in the Folkestone Magistates’ Court. Golding was sentenced to four and a half months in prison, and Fransen received an even more egregious sentence of nine months. And all of this came from voicing factual evidence and truths concerning Islam and their honest and true convictions on the matter.
Judge Justin Barron, an obvious illiberal communist activist judge similar to many here in the U.S. courts, had a hard bias against them. What should be free speech is frowned upon in the United Kingdom, as Barron declared that Golding and Fransen had a “joint intention to use the facts of the case for their own political ends”. And so? No matter was it to him that their statements were true.
In Communist China, the situation is even worse. The Great Firewall of China has for many long years blocked access to any information regarding the millions of victims of the mass-murdering dictatorship. Even the pro-censorship American tech giants, some similar to Apple who have largely agreed to Beijing’s censorship demands, have been mostly blocked from China. And as though it wished to prove its hostility to internet freedom and free speech, the UN placed an actual Chinese Communist agent, who claims censorship is in the eye of the beholder, as the head of the UN International Telecommunications Union; and, as surreal as it is, this is the agency slated for assuming the role of the world internet regulator and censor.
The world watches a program straight from Big Brother emerging from its infancy. By 2020, the system will become the Social Credit System (SCS), and it will be owned and operated entirely by the Chinese Communist State. The SCS will monitor purchases, hobbies, lifestyle and even who one socializes with on any regular basis. It will note how many children one has, how well one does one’s job and all the items necessary to be a model citizen, just as it will watch those who drink too much or speak ill of the government or its leaders. It will watch every citizen, and one’s credit score will be based on how well one align’s their thoughts and actions with the Chinese Communist Party line.
Four years ago, a Zhong Pei, a sixteen year old student, tried to board a train and was refused a ticket. She was also refused enrollment in her classes at her university, because she had committed the heinous crime of being her father’s daughter, and the daughter of a man who had died in an automobile accident that had killed two other people. This was enough for the Chinese government to blacklist her as “dishonest”.
Think about it. China’s system started with similar business models found in Alibaba and Tencent.
In the United States the databases, digital surveillance, national credit score system, systems of reward and punishment, government-knows-best attitude, electronic purchasing data and ubiquitous social media networks already exist. America has Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Amazon that all monitor what you read, see, say, search and buy. One’s android or iPhone already tracks everyone who uses such devices hundreds of times daily. And that information is already being used for complete censorship in America.
The threat of internet censorship at the national and global level is real, especially since Obama surrendered control over key internet infrastructure to globalist “stakeholders” unimpeded by the United State’s Constitutional First Amendment protecting Free Speech; and, with the United Nations actively campaigning for censorship worldwide, Internet Freedom has never been in more grave peril. If the Orwellian trend continues, it will only be a matter of a few years before the world-wide internet web, even in America, famous and admired around the world for Her absolutist free speech protections and rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, will be facing full-blown and outright censorship at the hands of a rogue alliance of governments, dictators, international institutions, and their Big Business cronies.
For decades now, America has suffered Her Marxist and multicultural FOOLS and all the debilitating thought processes that accompany them. They deny objective Truth, in their advocacy of relativism, that views ethics and morals as relative to the individual and his culture, so there is no such thing as Good and Evil — no such thing as Right and Wrong. Facts no longer exist for these Communist FOOLS, only feelings and interpretations and the crime of offending someone. Heaven forbid anyone is offended in today’s politically correct world.

Ohhh – can I push in your stool??
Through cultural relativism our children in America are taught to hate our past use of slavery and its inherent racist code, but they are not allowed to learn about or criticize contemporary racism and slavery in Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia and even the dark recesses of some of America’s own neighborhoods in New York and Dearborn, Michigan and New Mexico and elsewhere. They are taught we must accept a multicultural society where diversity is thought to be a virtue, even as it erodes the very fabric of our society and births massive segments of anti-American populations as viewed in modern day Minneapolis and the hundreds of thousands of Somalian Muslims who ’til this very day give more allegiance to Islam and ISIS than they do America — even as it moves the nation towards a rebuilding of the land of Babble, with multiple codes of law, including Sharia Law and the harshest codes on earth, creating an immoral plane that forbids contrary behaviors to anything the government decrees legal, whether it is polygamy, homosexual unions, transgender fluidity and gender equality. At every turn, all the good and decent morals and virtues and principles that made America so EXCEPTIONAL will be ridiculed, defamed, trashed and ultimately abrogated and destroyed.
Each day something seems to offend someone in America because it is deemed “racist” or “culturally insensitive”. And this is enough to move to have the offender removed from the public square, to be banished for an indeterminate period, sometimes forever.
These erroneous societal movements are only serving the further destruction of the nation, just as demanded by the agendas of the communists, socialists, Muslims, globalists and proponents of the New World Order. Allowing the fallacies of social justice theory that reveal a world of oppressors and victims only ensures America’s demise. Males are shown as oppressors and females are victims; whites are oppressors and people of color are victims; heterosexuals ate oppressors and homosexuals and transgendered are victims; Christians are oppressors and Muslims are victims. Teaching our sons and daughters this BULLSHIT simply ensures the nation descends into its own particular brand of HELL designed and facilitated by the enemies from within, the enemies of America and the enemies of Liberty.
Recently, Mark Twain’s ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn‘ has been marked as too controversial to be read in America’s schools, due to the use of racial slurs by the book’s bad guys, which delivered properly would serve as a good lesson against racism. But educators want us to raise a nation of wimps, so we must avoid “[causing] students to feel upset” at all costs.
‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘The Lion King’ are both apparently too racist to place before any student. The New York Times accuses Mary Poppins of “shamelessly flirting” with blackface because she has soot on her face, while dancing in the 1964 movie adaption of the book. The Lion King is demeaned as “racist” because Africa is supposedly “depicted as one big animal reserve” and no human characters are shown.
Even the once esteemed University of Notre Dame has jumped on the Communist politically correct bandwagon, as it seeks to further the Democratic Party Communist agenda and attack our American Heritage for America’s sins of the past, just one more move to coddle overly-sensitive students. As the university covered its murals of Christopher Columbus, due to his alleged “atrocities against the native people” and his discovery of America that “sparked centuries of transatlantic colonization”, Notre Dame president John Jenkins said that the murals were “demeaning” to the “indigenous peoples.” Outraged students called this a decision to “coddle [Notre Dame’s] students by shielding them from a painting of an important figure in world history.”
According to the New Communist, the Western World and the principles of freedom and liberty it birthed, especially America’s society, are societies filled with evil and responsible for all the evil in the wider world. British imperialism is blamed for the specific foibles and problems associated with what are in fact indigenous cultural norms, such as the South Asian caste system and the African tribal system. So too, the corruption and backwardness found in former colonies of European powers and America are blamed on Western imperialism. No matter the great acts of sacrifice the American people have committed to save entire sections of the world, our nation remains the focus of anti-imperialism and a target of people and groups who at this very moment seek Her destruction.
The New Communists present America’s sins as something unique to the United States of America. They conveniently ignore contemporary empires, such as the Arab Islamic Empire that conquered all of the Middle East, North Africa, southern Europe, Persia, Central Asia and northern India, occupying them minimally for hundreds of years — occupying the Middle East and North Africa for 1400 years and still to this day. The New Communists also conveniently ignore the ethnic cleansing committed by the Han Chinese under the Communists, when they invaded Inner Mongolia to the north, Chinese Turkestan to the west and Tibet to the south.
Today, even more surreal and astounding, the United Nations is even demanding censorship in America. Following the violence in Charlottesville, the UN released a torrential flood of press releases, statements, warnings and condemnations that demanded action from the U.S. government against “hate speech”, even though “hate speech” is founded on a bogus Marxist narrative utilized by the apparatchiks and the Cheka of the mass-murdering hate regime enslaving the Soviet Union to ban speech they did not like. Aside from this, the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits any government restrictions on speech, hateful or otherwise; however, if one needs any more evidence of the existential threat looming over the entire Free World and the stark danger at hand, take a quick look at Europe, where pastors are literally thrown in jail for defending their testimony as a Christian and spreading the Gospel and the “crime” of offending any nearby Muslim and where politicians are arrested for quoting Winston Churchill’s assessment of Islam, and the facts are sufficient to firmly and convincingly drive the point home.
All good and decent American Patriots — conservatives, Christians, libertarians and all others who love freedom and liberty — must realize that the Orwellian nightmare enforced by private hands is just as harmful to human freedom as if the dystopia was enforced by the hands of Soviet-style commissars. The results are the same. Freedom of expression is being sacrificed to the God of political correctness. In a world where digital lynch mobs can ruin people’s entire lives — harming their reputations, as was done to Alex Jones and his ‘InfoWars’ network and later to Roger Stone, making it impossible to feed their families and potentially subjecting them to retaliatory violence, as seen in the attacks on Trump supporters wearing “MAGA” caps — for merely expressing an honest opinion amounts to an extremely dark age for liberty.
Life sure isn’t going to get any easier for any of Us, not if the red, radical Democratic Party Communist rat bastards have their way about it, as they continue with their politically correct pushes, their internet controls, their postmodern relativism and their multiculturalism that attacks the truth of any issue on any given day, and all of this is done in the name of equality, freedom and social justice; in truth, it is a propagandists’ movement focused on ending freedom and liberty in Our Beloved America, the exact opposite of the things they purport to support.
Big Brother is now moving to become judge, jury and executioner, and this does not bode well for the average person in America, or anywhere else in the world, except for the small handful of global oligarchs and so-called “elites”. All Americans must stand together in order to defeat this ever burgeoning Orwellian surveillance Deep State, before all of our Liberty and our God-given Rights are lost and suppressed forever.
Fight for the Freedom of All. Fight for Our God-Given Rights. Fight for LIBERTY.
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.