I have set before you Life and Death and Cursing; therefore Choose Life, that both thou and thy seed may live. ~ Deuteronomy 30:19

Dr. Josef Mengele, Angel of Death
It is beyond a sad day in America, when we witness illegitimate “laws” and infanticide, that allow a full term baby capable of living outside the womb to be murdered on its way through the birth canal, if a woman so chooses for any reason. We’re witnessing a deliberative body of several state legislatures, swayed by radical, demonic abortionists in the Democratic Party, from New York to Virginia and Rhode Island to Vermont, among many others, make conscious, premeditated decisions to legalize murder, and, as a rule, they prefer to sign a baby’s death warrant rather than seek alternatives that protect both the unborn child and the woman, the mother to be.
The Democratic Party and its followers seem to have taken a page from the writings of Thomas Malthus, Karl Marx, Josef Mengele, Margaret Sanger and the March 1st 2012 Journal of Medical Ethics, that I noted on March 12th 2012 in ‘Choose Freedom … Choose Life’. Abortion has long been used to destroy family units to ensure government power and control, and today we are seeing Malthusian eugenics make a resurgence, along with the monstrous suggestion that a child, any child, does not have a moral right to life AFTER its birth.
Thankfully, Virginia’s infanticide bill failed, and in the course of events, a video of delegate Kathy Tran explaining how her bill would allow abortion, as the expectant mother was in the middle of contractions, ignited fiery controversy. Tran later acknowledged that her law would have run afoul of existing anti-infanticide laws.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, further inflamed America with his comments days after New York Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act that allows late term abortion “at any time” to “protect a patient’s life or health”. The RHA also repealed protections for born babies that survive failed abortions, and other states, like Rhode Island are following suit and introducing bills that would repeal bans on partial-birth abortion.
Yes. Don’t let a little thing like the baby actually exiting the mother’s womb stop anyone from murdering it.
On January 30th, Governor Northam spoke with DC’s WTOP Radio, in reference to failed abortions. According to Northam, the baby is out of the womb, the umbilical cord cut, and lying on a table next to the woman’s bed, and after a discussion between the doctors and the woman, the baby could be killed in the same manner a full-term baby is killed in a partial birth abortion. The baby’s brains are sucked out through a vacuum until her head collapses, even though just moments earlier she was crying, instinctively longing to be held and fed.
Medical experts such as Dr. Omar Hamada recently stated, “There’s absolutely no reason to kill a baby before delivery in the third trimester“.

Gregory Peck as Dr. Josef Mengele. “Oh Bobby…”
It is a shame that the majority of abortionists don’t have the same epiphany as Dr Anthony Levatino had years ago. His testimony on May 17th 2012, before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 3803) should be required reading for all high school youths. He spoke of the Sopher clamp with its ragged rows of jagged teeth made for clamping and crushing tissue and of the white fluid that leaves the woman’s cervix after the baby’s brain has been crushed — a procedure he had performed over 1200 times between 1981 and 1985. And then, he tells how his adopted daughter, Heather, was hit by a car and killed on June 23rd 1984, which prompted him to reject doing any more abortions.
Dr. Levatino, encouraged by a Catholic bishop, now tells everyone: “When you lose a child, life is different. Everything changes … the idea of a person’s life becomes very real. It is not an embryology course anymore … it’s your child buried … I couldn’t even think about a D&E abortion anymore.”
Continuing his Congressional testimony, he gives one example of saving a woman’s life by “terminating her pregnancy” through a Cesarean section; mother and baby did well afterwards. And he ends his testimony noting: “During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by ‘terminating’ pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
Leftist abortionists can tout baby murder as in the interest of women’s health all they wish, but the facts and their own contradictions belie their assertions. These new laws, like New York’s, allow non-physicians to perform abortions; they dismiss research that reveal the physical and psychological damage women incur from abortions; they refuse to inform young women about the risks associated with an abortion, and they do not counsel them on the option of adoption. These abortionists cloak their true agenda in the euphemism of “choice”.
No question exists that a partially delivered baby is a human being, although some will argue that it’s not so cut and dried early on in the pregnancy. At forty weeks, there is absolutely no reason to prevent the UnBorn Child from claiming his or her God-given right to life, which supersedes the woman’s vacuous right to privacy.

The Angel of Death
The Leftist position is morally repugnant, and goes against the grain and most Americans’ belief in protecting innocent life. They believe baby murder to be perfectly acceptable in their defense of abortion rights, and even so, they try to pretend they hold the moral high ground. Surely a viable baby is innocent, too.
These latest laws are atrocious to human beings, and they are nothing short of eugenics, nothing less than infanticide manifested in evil human selfishness in the ugliest way imaginable, and a fundamental shift in America’s conscience. The red radical Democratic Party makes a big show of empathy for the weak and marginalized, and yet, few if any shed a tear for the slaughter of millions of UnBorn Children, the most vulnerable among us. And this is the most tragic and complete denigration of America’s founding spirit of righteousness.
Roe v Wade is only an activist ruling made by the Supreme Court. It is not “the law of the land” as many Leftists suggest, and it is certainly not settled “law”.
On the federal level, Americans must stop allowing any majority of activist Black Robes to circumvent the U.S. Constitution by finding “new rights” within the Constitution that require a flight of fancy to discover. Only Congress can actually make law, and Congress needs to restrain the Court to its proper role and ignore Roe v Wade and also move to make abortion illegal across the country, except, in the most rare of circumstances, when a young mother’s life is truly endangered by the pregnancy, and she already has small children.
“There are times which we attempt to compromise in order to bring two opposing sides together for the benefit of all concerned.
There are other times when we are presented with a clear and distinct watershed. The opposition has as its only purpose to impose their will on all without compromise, without apology, and without recourse to the opposed.
It is at these times we must be courageous, stand firm, and fight. That time is now!” ~ Francis Schaeffer ~ ‘The Great Evangelical Disaster‘
February 3, 2019
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith worked 8 years for the LaVergne Fire Department – two years as their clean-up boy – and became a working fireman at age 16, working his way through college and subsequently joining the U.S. Army. Since then he primarily have contracted construction and traveled – spending quite a bit of time up and down the Columbia River Gorge, in the Puget Sound on Whidby Island and down around Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach. Justin currently writes a weekly column for The Rutherford Reader in Murfreesboro, TN, which he calls home, in addition to being a frequent contributor to the Federal Observer – and spend as much time as possible with his two beautiful and intelligent daughters and five grandchildren. Justin Love God, Family and Our Majestic and Wonderful America, and am a Son of Liberty.