Kammana Wanna Swallow – The Biggest B.S. Polly-tician on the Planet

Biden Uses ‘Secretive Flights’ to Import 320,000 Illegal Aliens to U.S.

Biden is operating a “secretive flights” program to fly hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to the United States every year, according to records obtained by Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies.

The records, obtained by Bensman via a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit, show that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) imported 320,000 illegal aliens to the United States last year through the little-known flight component of Biden’s “CBP One” mobile app.

The migrant mobile app, Breitbart News has extensively reported, has allowed about 465,000 illegal aliens to schedule appointments at the United States-Mexico border for release into the United States interior from January 2023 through January 2024… (Continue to full article)

How Can Trump Win When Democrats Have 30 Million Immigrant-Invaders To Vote Against Him?
The Democrats Are Doing Every Possible Thing to Enable Immigrant-invaders to vote.

Democrats are passing laws to make sure that a non-citizen who just walked across the border has a vote equal to a United States native-born citizen. Immigrant-invaders are given federal IDs which entitle them to drivers’ licenses. Many jurisdictions automatically enroll driver license recipients on the voting list.

Two days ago California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill preventing local governments from requiring voters to present identification at the polls. The Democrat California government has made it a felony to prevent election fraud.… (Continue to full article)

Tina Toon: Kamala Lays Down the Welcome Matt for Illegal Criminals

As the so-called ‘border czar,’ Kamala had nearly four years to fix the border problem. She did nothing. Nothing at all. Now she’s full of solutions to her own border failures. Vote for Kamala so she can fix the problems she created.

Kamala in effect laid out a welcome mat to 15 million invaders—and she still has that welcoming attitude.

The disaster that is the Biden/Harris administration stopped building the wall once they were in office. They even sold off material at basement prices. Less than 24 hours after Kamala’s staged photo op, the Biden DOJ sued Alabama for removing illegals from the state’s voter rolls, unbelievable! (Continue to full article)

The Kamala Harris Mass Amnesty Plan

Vice President Kamala Harris has proved capable of implicitly but unconvincingly reversing herself on many issues , including immigration , since she became the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, which is why her decision not to repudiate her 2019 mass amnesty plan is so alarming.

In 2019, Harris distinguished herself from the 2020 Democratic primary field by promising to use unilateral executive power to grant permanent amnesty to so-called Dreamers and 6 million other illegal immigrants.

Specifically, she said she would create a “first of its kind” parole-in-place program for participants in President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — the Dreamers. Through the intricacies of immigration law, this designation could set Dreamers and all other immigrants on a path to citizenship without legislation

The Biden-Harris administration has already abused the parole power to let in millions of illegal immigrants, creating an extralegal immigration system alongside the legal system. Considering how willing Biden and Harris are to grant parole status to millions of illegal immigrants who want to enter the country, why wouldn’t Harris also grant retroactive parole status to millions of illegal immigrants already here?

Harris should be hounded by the press until she either repudiates her 2019 parole in place plan… (Continue to full article)

White House Mum Amid Outrage Over Data Showing How Many Illegal Immigrant Criminals Are Free in US

The White House has yet to comment on new data released to lawmakers showing the number of illegal immigrants with convictions for sex offenses and homicide convictions who are not in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention.

The agency provided data to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, about illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions. The data, as of July 2024, is broken down by those in detention and those who are not in detention, known as the non-detained docket.

The non-detained docket includes noncitizens who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not in ICE custody… (Continue to full article)

ICE: Over 425,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Not in Agency’s Custody, Including 13,099 Convicted Killers
Federal immigration authorities have revealed that more than 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, including more than 13,000 individuals convicted of homicide, are currently on the non-detained docket of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), meaning they’re not in ICE custody and could be roaming free in the United States.

The data was disclosed in a Sept. 25 letter from ICE deputy director Patrick Lechleitner to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), who issued a statement calling the situation “beyond disturbing.”

“The truth is clear – illegal immigrants with a criminal record are coming into our country.”… (Continue to full article)

More Than 13,000 Immigrants Convicted of Homicide Here or Abroad Are Living Freely in the U.S.

More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide — either in the United States or abroad — are living freely in the U.S., outside of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention, according to data ICE provided to Congress earlier this week.

The immigrants are part of ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning the agency has some information on the immigrants and they have pending immigration cases in the U.S., but they are not currently in detention either because they are not prioritized for detention or because ICE cannot find them… (Continue to full article)

662,000 Criminal Foreign Nationals to Be Deported Are Living Free Nationwide

More than 660,000 criminal foreign nationals identified to be deported by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement are freely living in communities nationwide.

Among them are those convicted or charged with violent crimes, including homicide, sexual assault and kidnapping, according to information released in response to a congressional request.

ICE was requested to provide information about the number of noncitizens on its docket for removal who are convicted or charged with a crime. As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges… (Continue to full article)

Network Evening Newscasts Barely Mention New ICE Report on 425,000 Criminal Migrants Free in U.S.
NBC Nightly News” was the only prime time network news program on Friday night to report on bombshell new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data revealing that over 400,000 illegals immigrants convicted of crimes are currently free in the United States.

Both ABC’s “World News Tonight,” and the “CBS Evening News” failed to mention any of the findings that ICE presented in a letter to Congress this week that was reported by a variety of other outlets on Friday. They simply covered Vice President Kamala Harris’ trip to Arizona’s border with Mexico and touted her policy proposals for immigration… (Continue to full article)

The Border Crisis: The Cost of Chaos

U.S. House Oversight and Accountability Committee, Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs

Adding millions of people to the country through immigration drives up the cost of housing and reduces affordability relative to wages in areas of heavy settlement.

Fiscally, illegal immigrants are a net drain — they create more in costs than they pay in taxes. Illegal immigration also increases the supply of labor impacting the wages and employment of some American workers, often the poorest and least educated.

The availability of illegal immigrant workers allows American policymakers to ignore the decades-long increase in the share of working-age less-educated U.S.-born men not in the labor force — neither working nor looking for work. They are not counted as unemployed because they are not actively looking for work.

This deterioration is linked to serious social pathologies such as crime, welfare dependency, suicide, and drug overdoses… (Continue to full article)

U.S. Immigrant Population in 2023 Saw Largest Increase in More Than 20 Years


The number of immigrants living in the United States increased by roughly 1.6 million people in 2023. That marks the largest single-year increase in the nation’s immigrant population since 2000, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of recently published data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Overall, a record 47.8 million immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2023, up from 46.2 million in 2022. The nation’s immigrant population includes naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents and lawful temporary residents, as well as unauthorized immigrants.

The U.S. has long been home to more immigrants than any other country. These immigrants hail from many places, but the most common origin nations as of 2023 were Mexico (10.9 million people, or 23% of the total), India (2.9 million, or 6%), China (2.4 million, or 5%) and the Philippines (2.1 million, or 4%).

When it comes to legal status, nearly three-quarters of immigrants living in the U.S. as of 2022 were naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents or lawful temporary residents. Around one-in-four (23%) were in the country without authorization… (Continue to full article)

Have More Than 20 Million Illegal Migrants Crossed the US Border?

Kamala Harris is visiting the US southern border for the first time since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee.

Although numbers of migrants crossing this border have dropped significantly in recent months, Donald Trump has been attacking her record – and President Biden’s – on illegal immigration.

Trump claims that “Kamala Harris has allowed 21 million illegals to pour in from all over the world.”

The Democrats blame Trump, saying he worked to block the passing of a bill that would have tightened up security at the border

…and it’s ALL BULLSHIT!!! (Continue to full article)

Harris to Call for Tougher Border Action on Arizona Visit

Put HER in the Wire!

After Kamala Harris spoke about her policies related to the southern border during a speech in Douglas, Arizona, the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union representing the US border patrol, said that Harris “has ignored the border problem she created for over three years”.

She goes down there (???) for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the NPBC has said before. But again, where has she been the last 3 1/2 years?

Well – she has been known as “Going Down” for her entire Pole-itical Career!!! (Continue to full article)

U.S. Soldiers ‘Fired Pepper Spray’ At Migrants Crossing Mexico Border

It comes after reports emerged in August that immigrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas are being shoved into razor wire and fired at with pepper balls by law enforcement officials deployed under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

The $11 billion program, enforced in 2021, was the brainchild of Abbott, who has said he was left with no choice because of the Biden-Harris administration’s lax response to illegal migration and border security.

Members of the Texas National Guard allegedly fired pepper spray projectiles—ball-shaped and filled with irritants—at arriving migrants, including women and children, who were not engaged in any threatening behavior… (Continue to full article)

Harris Pledges to Crack Down on Illegal Crossings as She Challenges Trump on Immigration

Harris on Friday said the US government is duty-bound to “set rules at our border and to enforce them” as she called for reform of the American immigration system.

The immigration system should work “in an orderly way, that it is humane” and “makes our country stronger,” she said during a speech at Cochise College in Douglas, Arizona, after visiting the US border wall.

She also slammed her 2024 election opponent, former President Donald Trump, for commanding his Republican allies to vote against a bipartisan immigration and border reform package that experts said was stronger than any similar legislation considered by Congress in decades,,, (Continue to full article)

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