May 12, 2020: The Good, the Bad and the UGLY!

False Science + Fear as a tool
Ron Paul: Authoritarians Using Coronavirus to Destroy America… (Continue to full article)

Why there will never be a successful and safe Coronavirus vaccine
Pass along this this article with every one of the short clips to all you care about… (Continue to full article)

Martin Armstrong on the Hoax
Will it ever end… or is this all merely the beginning – of the end? (Continue to full article)

Most Dangerous Person of 2020 ?
…and who would you choose, Gates, Dr. Faust, Joe Biden, Trump, Dr. Blix or Bill and Melinda Gates… or a combination of all the above? (Continue to full article)

Yes, the Most Dangerous Person alive today
He couldn’t get rid of the Virus in his computer programs, so… (Continue to full article)

Limerick of the Month w/ article of the day
Occasionally – a bit of laughter with the ugliness is needed.. (Continue to full article)

Tanzanian President Throws World Health Org out of the country – you will laugh
“Just WHO do you think you are? Get out of my country!” Oh yes – some leaders have the cajones to get the job done”… (Continue to full article)

You can’t keep a good woman down…
No matter what the Evil ones say…

…and if you have not yet seen the Brian Rose interview with Judy Mikovits……well worth the time, all the way to the end! (Continue to full article)