April 3, 2019: …and the beat goes on!

Democratic Proposal: Hey, Let’s Eliminate Criminal Penalties for Illegal Immigration — and End Most Detentions
Democrats used to tell us that of course they were against illegal immigration; the relevant policy question, they said, was how to humanely and fairly treat the millions of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants who have been living inside the United States for years. They at least made a show out of getting tough on border security, in exchange for other ‘reforms’ — and they recoiled with indignation when Republicans accused them of supporting “open borders.” Which brings us to today’s rollout of an immigration plan… (Continue to full article)

Democrats are Freaking Out Over Citizenship on the Census Because They Want Non-Citizens Voting
Democrats do not want to know how many citizens there are in the United States. Although the Census Bureau has sought citizenship information regularly in the past, Democrats now fear that a full survey of U.S. citizens will hurt their political fortunes for years to come. Liberal state attorneys general and left-wing special interests have sued the Commerce Department to prevent the Census Bureau from reinstating a citizenship question on the 2020 Census. The case is now before the United States Supreme Court, which will hear arguments later this month… (Continue to full article)

How Bad Does Border Have To Be For Democrats To Admit It’s An Emergency?
Is there any number of illegal border crossings into the United States that would strike Democrats as an emergency? The border numbers are surging back to the bad old days. It appears that Customs and Border Patrol apprehended more than 100,000 people in March (the precise figure has not yet been released), a pace that could mean more than 1 million apprehensions this year… (Continue to full article)

Trump Threatened To Close The Border As Another Caravan Approached – And Mexico Is Taking A Hint
Mexico made changes to their humanitarian visa process. Instead of providing visas to illegal aliens at the border, they’re now providing them in the southern most part of the country. Caravans are no longer allowed to spend the night in cities and fewer Mexican citizens are providing food, water and transportations to caravan riders… (Continue to full article)

DHS Secretary Relocates Hundreds of Border Agents to Deal With Ongoing Illegal Immigration Crisis
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen ordered the redeployment and relocation of 750 of Border Patrol agents Monday. The move is part of the Trump administrtion’s ongoing efforts to address the endless illegal immigration crisis at the southern border with Mexico. “The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it…” (Continue to full article)

Woman Arrested After Holding 33 Illegal Aliens in Her Home
Concepcion Malinek helped the illegals to surreptitiously cross into the United States in 2018 and 2019. She then exploited them by telling them they now owed her money for the help. Now she faces forced labor charges, The Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The 49-year-old woman helped them find work and transported them to and from the work site, while charging exorbitant fees and restricting their activities… (Continue to full article)

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